Los Angeles Employment Lawyer

Los Angeles employment lawyer Cyrus Shahriari represents people who have employment disputes with their employers.

By providing legal services on a contingency basis – meaning you pay no attorneys’ fees until the case is resolved – employees of all income levels are able to challenge their companies’ employment practices in the legal arena.

Employment Law Practice Areas

At The Shahriari Law Firm we handle all types of employment disputes, including:

What You Need to Know about Employment Law

Employment law is comprised of laws mandated by the Federal government and by the State of California. The state is particularly sensitive to employees’ needs, often more so than the federal government.

Whether you work for a private or public company, for a government entity, or for a nonprofit, your employer is subject to an array of employment laws. If your employer is not following the law, you may be eligible for compensation for your damages. These could include compensation for:

  • Lost Wages
  • Lost Benefits
  • Emotional Distress
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Medical Bills
  • Reasonable Accommodations
  • Punitive Damages
  • Attorneys’ Fees

You could even get your job back. The court is committed to doing everything under the law “to make you whole” again. That means, the law attempts to put you back in the same place you would have been if you hadn’t lost your job or been the victim of unfair employment practices.

Beware of Deadlines

All employment lawsuits have statutes of limitation. If you let the deadline pass, you have given up all rights to ever bring the company to court or for you to ever receive compensation for your damages.

Deadlines can vary depending on the type of case. Your best bet is to contact an employment attorney as soon as possible.

By bringing Los Angeles employment attorney Cyrus Shahriari in on your case from the beginning, will permit him to take witness statements and to preserve evidence before memories or paperwork disappear.

Take the Next Step

You don’t have to worry about contacting Los Angeles employment attorney Cyrus Shahriari. Your employer will not find out from us that you are talking to a lawyer.

At The Shahriari Law Firm we offer you a free, no-obligation, and confidential consultation. This gives you an opportunity to tell us about your specific employment situation. We will explain your legal options to you so you can make an educated decision about what action you want to take.

To set-up your free and confidential consultation, contact us.