L.A. Car Accident Lawyer

Every time a driver gets behind the wheel of their car, they are at risk for experiencing an accident, points out Los Angeles car accident lawyer Cyrus Shahriari. In 2008, 667 people died from car accidents in Los Angeles County alone, and more than 50,000 people experienced injuries from auto accidents.

Beyond personal injury, more than 80,000 auto accidents cause property damage in Los Angeles County. California auto accidents account for nearly 10% of all deaths and injuries that happen in the United States.

Types of car accidents

Car accidents are classified by the mechanism or manner of collision:

  • Rear-end impacts usually caused by tailgating in combination with distracted driving and/or speeding. Rear-end collisions can be simple taps or very serious, depending on the speed of the vehicles.
  • Head-on crashes involving two vehicles driving toward each other from opposite directions and colliding front to front.
  • Side or T-bone collisions at intersections are caused when one car is turning and another car fails to yield right-of-way at a stop sign or a red light.
  • Off-road collisions usually involve one vehicle that either swerves off the road or is knocked off the road by another object. Off-road collisions can lead to rollovers or steep drops, both of which are highly fatal.

Although each category is potentially dangerous or fatal, rollovers, head-on collisions and side collisions are the most lethal.

What to do after an accident:

At the scene of the accident:

  • File a police report at the accident scene. (In some cities – such as the City of Los Angeles – the police only respond to injury accidents).
  • Never admit fault (liability), no matter what you may think.
  • Go to the hospital if you are injured. Explain in detail how your injuries were caused. Report memory problems, confusion, however minor these things may seem at the time. Medical care if needed should always be a priority.
  • Post nothing on social media at the site of the motor vehicle accident, while healing, and until the case is resolved. It will come back to haunt you.
  • Get the name, address, phone, email, insurance information, vehicle license number and driver’s license number for everyone involved in the accident.
  • Get witnesses’ names, addresses, telephone numbers, and emails.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene and any vehicles involved in the accident before you leave it.
  • Also, photograph any injuries – bruises, cuts and bleeding.
  • Do not talk to an insurance adjuster. Talk only to your doctor and accident lawyer.
  • Give any evidence (photographs, doctor reports, etc.) only to your attorney. Never to an insurance rep.
  • Consult your lawyer before signing anything. Anything you sign or say to be helpful can be misinterpreted and used against you.
Car Accident Injuries

Serious car accidents are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries and serious spinal injuries, both of which may lead to permanent disability, mental and physical impairments, long-term financial, emotional, physical damages and even death.

Long-term physical injuries from a car accident might not present themselves immediately or in their full severity. Sometimes what appear to be minor personal injuries or insignificant pain can lead to:

  • Permanent Back or Neck Pain
  • Herniated or Ruptured Spinal Disks
  • Internal Organ Injuries
  • Brain injuries.

There might be pain for years or even permanently that is difficult to quantify yet causes great personal distress.

It is important to your case that you get the medical care you need. This includes going to follow up medical and physical therapy appointments. If you don’t, the insurance company lawyers will use that to say you were not really injured or not injured as badly as you claim.

If you do not have medical insurance and cannot afford care, Los Angeles car accident lawyer Cyrus Shahriari will refer you to doctors who can help you. These doctors typically take your care on a lien basis. This means they are willing to treat you with payment due upon the resolution of your case so you don’t have to put up money you may not have.

Insurance Claims and Litigation

Los Angeles car accident lawyer Cyrus Shahriari works with insurance companies and leading doctors and medical professionals to make certain you are completely cared for.

The key to successfully handling a car accident claim is to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Any delay may result in lost or damaged evidence, inability to locate witnesses, and/or failure to meet legal deadlines for filing lawsuits.

It is always best to not talk to insurance company reps. No matter how “nice” they seem to be, their goals is to pay out as little of the insurance company’s money to you as possible. You can be sure that anything and everything you tell the insurance company rep will be used against you if at all possible.

Take the First Step

Contact Los Angeles car accident lawyer Cyrus Shahriari for a free, no-obligation consultation. You will learn about your legal rights so you can make an educated decision about your options.

The Shahriari Law Firms takes cases on a contingency basis, meaning you pay nothing until your case is concluded.

Car Accidents
Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Why didn’t the police ever show up after I called about a car accident I was in?
A:  In many California cities — including the City of Los Angeles — the police only come to the scene of a car accident when someone is injured or died. If there are no injuries, pull over and exchange information with the other driver. If you want to make a police report, go to a California Highway Patrol station or to the local police station. Unless you are going to pay for the accident out of your own pocket, contact your insurance company as soon as possible.

Q:  What should I do at the scene of an accident?
A:  The most important thing to do is to stop. Not stopping at the scene of an accident is a felony. If anyone is injured, call 911 immediately. Regardless to whom you are talking to, DO NOT say the accident was your fault or “I’m sorry.” Leave the issue of fault or liability to your car accident lawyer to determine. There can be many elements at play, many of which can only be determined after an investigation into the car accident.

Then proceed to follow these steps:

  • Post nothing on social media about the accident or about injuries you suffered.
  • Get the name, address, phone, email, insurance information, vehicle license number and driver’s license number for other drivers or passengers.
  • Get witnesses’ names, addresses, telephone numbers, and emails.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene and any vehicles involved.
  • Also, photograph any injuries – bruises, cuts and bleeding.
  • Do not talk to an insurance adjuster. Talk only to your doctor and to your Shahriari Law Firm accident lawyer.
  • Give any evidence (photographs, doctor reports, etc.) only to your attorney. Never to an insurance rep.
  • Consult your lawyer before signing anything. Anything you sign or say to be helpful will be misinterpreted and used against you.

Q:  If I am in a hit-and-run accident who will pay for my damages?
A:  Most car insurance policies provide Uninsured Motorist Insurance (UMI), as part of your policy. If you are in a hit-and-run so there is nobody to sue for your damages, you can use your UMI to be compensated for your damages. In California, if you use your UMI, your insurance company is not permitted to increase your rates.

The Shahriari Law Firm urges all drivers to increase their UMI to the highest amount their insurance companies will permit them. The cost is very little — pennies on the dollar — and should you need it, UMI is invaluable.

Q:  How can I find out if the driver who hit me in a car accident was on his phone?
A:  As part of our investigation, The Shahriari Law Firm will review all relevant paperwork — including the police report and phone records — to determine who is liable and why. We also will interview any witnesses. It’s possible that a witness saw the other driver on his phone.

Q: How much does a car accident lawyer cost?
A:  When you hire a car accident lawyer from The Shahriari Law Firm, there are no upfront costs or retainers. Car accident cases are taken on a contingency basis. This means that when we win the case, our pre-agreed-upon fees are deducted at that time.