
Los Angeles Dog Bite Attorney

As a Los Angeles dog bite attorney, Cyrus Shahriari recognizes that though children are the most common victim of a dog bite, being bitten can happen to anybody. Often the attack is as shocking to the owner as it is to the victim.

Any dog – even one who is known to be friendly – can bite someone. There also are dogs whose owners know that their dog can be aggressive yet don’t take appropriate precautions.

What you need to know about dog bite lawsuits in California is:

  • There is no “one free bite” rule.
  • These laws apply even if there wasn’t a bite, but the dog caused the injuries, such as in a fall.
  • Even if the attack was not the dog’s fault, the owner is, in most cases, still responsible for damages caused by the dog.
What Happens to the Dog

Since the dog is often the animal of a friend, neighbor, or relative, and because most people really like dogs, the person who suffered the dog bite is often worried that the animal will be “put down” or taken away from the owner.

California holds owners to strict liability. Individual counties and cities also may have their own laws that apply.

Depending on the severity of the attack, how and where it happened, whether it ever happened before, will all be taken into account when the court determines what will happen to the dog. Possible options include:

  • The dog must be kept in a secure enclosure
  • The dog must be muzzled when in public
  • A requirement that the dog be insured
  • That the owner is fined
  • That the dog must be relinquished by the owner
  • That the dog must be euthanized

Your civil dog bite lawsuit will have no effect on what the court decides to do about the dog. Dog Bite Lawyer Cyrus Shahriari advocates for you to recover damages that you suffered because of the dog bite. These are typically paid by the owner’s homeowners insurance.

What You May Be Able To Recover From a Dog Bite Lawsuit
  • Medical expenses, including future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Disfigurement and disability damages
  • Emotional counseling
  • Pain and suffering
If Your Dog or Cat is Attacked by a Dog

If your dog or cat suffers serious injuries or even death because it was attacked by a dog, you may be able to collect compensation for reasonable vet bills.

Some insurance companies may claim that your pet is “property” and so they only have to pay for the amount your dog actually cost you (similar to a car in a car accident). But California courts have allowed owners to obtain compensation for all reasonable veterinary bills, even if the vet bills are significantly more than the original cost of the pet.

If the insurance company refuses to pay for the vet bills of your injured dog or cat, contact dog bite attorney Cyrus Shahriari for assistance.

You Can’t Afford Not To Call

Dog bite lawsuits can become quite complicated so a personal injury lawyer experienced in dog bite lawsuits is important to have on your side.

For instance, when a child who is bitten by a dog is under the age of 5, certain defenses by the dog owner may not apply.

The party the court may hold liable may extend past the dog owner, even if they weren’t there when the attack happened. Liability might include, for example, the landlord or the property management company.

Los Angeles dog bite attorney Cyrus Shahriari takes dog bite cases on a contingency basis. You pay no attorney fees until your case is resolved.

Find Out Your Legal Options

Contact Los Angeles dog bite attorney Cyrus Shahriari for a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation and learn about your legal options.